Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I'm off work today..wahey! It's Good Friday but as my Wife still has to work there isn't anything exciting planned so I'll spend most of the day pottering around the house and garden, tidying up a bit and doing odd jobs.

Actually, I have just been doing something exciting. Two months ago, we decided instead of blowing a load of cash every month on gym membership we'd buy ourselves a treadmill. This was usually the only piece of equipment I used at the gym so I though I would use it more at home when I didn't have to drag myself out of bed so early and then worry about all the other people getting in the way.

The only problem was, when the treadmill was delivered it was damaged and we had to wait 4-5 weeks for a replacement. It finally arrived this week and is now all set up. So being off work today, it was the perfect chance to try it out. I didn't do too long, just easing myself in but I will definitely be back on the treadmill again today, and tomorrow, and Sunday.

Going back to Good Friday, Easter represents the death and resurrection of Jesus. With it being the first day back on the treadmill maybe it will signify the rebirth of a more healthy lifestyle for me and my Wife.

There is an iPod connection on the treadmill so I can listen to music or podcasts while I work out. It even came with some small discs you can insert to have a Biggest Loser style work out with trainer Jillian Michaels shouting at you. These are actually pretty good. They set the speed and incline for you and gradually increase them while Jillian shouts encouragement. I haven't tried it yet, mainly because I don't want to smash up the treadmill with frustration at being shouted at after waiting so long to use it!

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